In accordance with its ritual purpose (energy exchange between a woman-harvester and the Mother the Damp Earth), the dress is made of a red cloth mostly. The white part is edged with an archaic-style pattern. It consists of:
- stylized Trees of Life
- triangles: actually, remains of and ancient symbol of the Delivering Goddess (see a sketch)
Areas of the most intensive energy exchange are heavily decorated with a floral design. These areas are:
- sleeve ends and cuffs: a woman works with her hands, so her energy "drops" from her fingers and palms;
- a hemline: it is a symbolic border between a woman and Earth;
- chest area: similar to breastfeeding her baby, a woman symbolically "breastfeeds" the Mother Earth.
(more detailed information on a ritual meaning of harvesting dresses: Yaroslavl region harvesting dress and Vologda region harvesting dress).